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Investing jargon and general investing questions covered
Can I short shares through Hatch?
What happens to my shares if a company I've invested in gets delisted from the NYSE or Nasdaq?
Do you have watchlists?
Why do the US share markets halt trading?
Can I place two sell orders for the same shares?
Why aren't some companies or ETFs listed?
What is a market order?
What's a limit order?
Why was my order cancelled or rejected?
What's the difference between a market order and a limit order?
What are stop-buy orders?
Why use stop-buy orders?
What are stop-loss orders?
Why use stop-loss orders?
What's the difference between limit orders and stop-loss/stop-buy orders?
What is auto-investing?
What are the fees for auto-investing?
How often do auto-investments get placed?
Is my available balance set aside to ensure my auto-investment goes through?
What happens if my balance is less than what I need for my next auto-investment?
Is there a restriction on how many auto-investments I can have at once?
What happens if I have an auto-investment scheduled to be placed on a day the share markets are closed?